Sunday, October 18, 2015

Visiting Kennedy. (And her parents)

Somehow we made it through five weeks without seeing Kennedy. (Hey! At this stage five weeks was a third of her life!)

It helped that John and I were on a Mediterranean Cruise with some extra days in Barcelona for part of that time. But we were anxious to get down to Charleston as soon as possible.

We arrived on a Wednesday night and kept her out of daycare on Thursday so we could play with her. We took her for a long walk in her stroller, read to her, sang to her, danced with her, tried to teach her to say Nana, Papa and hi, etc. etc. She's a happy baby and an absolute joy to be around!

The long weekend didn't feel long at all. In fact it flew by! We kept her so her parents could go out for their second anniversary dinner Friday night and spent Saturday helping them get ready for their annual pig pickin. Sunday we went downtown to Second Sunday on King St. and then took all three of them out to dinner as our anniversary present to them. Monday we had to head home. My arms feel empty :(

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