From Melting Smile to Rolling Eyes
I talked to Brittany even more often then usual this past month. The radio in her car was broken and she would call to have me entertain her whenever she drove somewhere. The first time she called me and said that I was a little worried. I thought she wanted me to sing and her favorite music is either country or rap!
I’ve recently been trying to remember when I switched from melting smile to rolling eyes when questioned about how she is doing. You know what I mean. When Brittany was two and someone asked me how she was I would smile and gush, “Oh, she’s just great!” At nineteen, given the same question, my usual comeback is rolling my eyes and saying, “You’ll never guess what she’s up to now!” I think it happened in Jr. High, but I’m not sure. I do know it was before she came home for fall break no longer a blonde, but a brunette and it was certainly before she downloaded $60.00 worth of Christmas ring tones on her phone this year.
Brittany just went through her sorority’s initiation week for their new pledges. My sorority called this White Rose Week. (Fraternities call it Hell Week, but sororities tend to be more optimistic).
It was her job to get all the initiation robes dry cleaned before the ceremony. She got them to the cleaners, but unfortunately assumed all cleaners are open on Saturdays because the one we always go to in Hickory is. Saturday morning she drove to the cleaners and it was closed. The initiation ceremony was Sunday.
She tried to find out who owned the cleaners, hoping she could call them at home to help her out, but had no luck. Then she remembered one of her best friends just pledged her same sorority at the University of Georgia in Athens.
The two of them were able to arrange for Brittany to drive the two hours to Athens, pick up enough robes for the ceremony and drive two hours back to school.
Brittany wasn’t going to tell me any of this (to avoid the whole rolling of the eye thing I’m sure), but she was so taken with her quick tour of UGA she had to call me to tell me about the campus and that sorority house.
And then since I knew and she had me on the phone anyway she figured she might as well have the entertainment for the return trip.

Labels: college kids, college students, empty nest, going off to college
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