Bombarded by Technology
I’m getting bombarded with technology! John has been getting my Facebook updates on his iPhone for about a week. This not only bugs me because he calls and asks about them, but he’s not even a member of Facebook so I don’t know why he’s getting them.
Then the other morning Brittany called and said she accidently paid some of our car insurance online when she was paying a credit card of hers and got the accounts mixed up. She asked if we could transfer money into her account since she had “paid our insurance for us.” (2 weeks early and not nearly enough.)
THEN, John came into my office and said OnStar had emailed him that one of the tires on my car needed air!
My problems used to be caused either by myself or those close to me. Now because of technology there seems to be no limit to who can create havoc in my life!
No wonder my mind is always racing!
In my yoga class we are told to empty our minds and not think about anything. But then the teacher gets us twisted into pretzel shapes and says things like, “Core in. Relax your eyes. Now relax your mouth. Draw your shoulders back. Now breathe.”
Breathe? Is she crazy? She wants me to do all that and still breathe? But it’s true. When I’m concentrating on all that other stuff I don’t realize I’m holding my breath until she reminds me to breathe.
You would think with all her talking and directions my mind wouldn’t be all over the place, but it is.
Doing an inversion near the mirror I find myself thinking, “My face looks really weird upside down!”
Or when doing a forward fold: “My toes look kind of weird too!”
Sometimes in a pose I’ll think, “My arms look graceful – I should have been a ballerina.”
Other poses I wonder, “Could this actually break my body?”
But at least for the 3 hours a week I’m in class I’m able to focus on the present. Live in the moment and forget my problems and everyone else’s. So I suppose it helps.
And later when I’m sitting in front of my computer with messages pouring into my 5 email accounts, Facebook sending me updates via John, a cell phone and a house phone just waiting to ring with some new glad tiding: I can remind myself to breathe. Just breathe.

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Labels: adult children, empty nest, parenting
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