Last Hug!
A friend asked me if I had seen Brittany’s Facebook status one day. I hadn’t, so I signed on and read: “I am convinced that my parents will live longer because I call them everyday and tell them I love them.”
That she believes this wasn’t a surprise because she had told John that one night on the phone. And I really can’t remember her ever hanging up without saying, “I love you.” But I hadn’t known her reason until then.
I read somewhere about an epitaph on a tombstone that said, “She loved lavishly.” That could have been written about Brittany. She loves her friends and family with great enthusiasm and lets us know it in many ways.
It’s nice to be the recipient of that love. It’s nice to have a daughter that gives it like that!
When she was 10 years old she threw an anniversary party for John and I. Luckily the first couple adults she invited offered to bring the alcohol and suggested she ask everyone to bring a dish. Her after school counselor was a cake decorator on the side and offered to do the cake and another couple told her they would send flowers for the centerpiece. It was a great party! And we felt the love!
Of course she also threw a really great party for her roommate’s dog just last weekend. Complete with snacks in cute dog bowls and a cake shaped like a bone. I’m sure Tucker felt just as special as we did 13 years earlier!
But it’s just the way she is.
She tells (and shows) everyone she loves that she loves them all the time. I do think in our case though, based on her status comment, she might be just a touch afraid that if she misses telling us one time, it might be too late. And then it would be her fault!
In a way I was like that growing up too. I still remember as my parents, leaving us with babysitters, would get close to the door; I would jump up and run after them calling, “Wait! One last hug before you go!” I suppose that was my way of saying “I love you” while they were still there.
Just in case I guess.

Labels: adult children, empty nest, parenting