Monday, April 20, 2020

Easter Visit and Little Brother!

John and I just got back from 10 days in Charleston.

Baby Jackson was due on April 13th but we went down on the 8th because John and Dan still had a lot of work to do on the playroom.

Easter was that weekend, so we had the bonus of celebrating with family during this social lock down!

Kennedy dying Easter eggs

We hid 50 eggs in the back yard for her to hunt

Kennedy loves picking flowers and building "houses" with leaves and sticks

Jackson arrived on Tues. April 14th at 11:24 a.m.

He's perfect!

When Kennedy first held him, she said, "Hi, Brother. My name is Kennedy!"

So happy!

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Letter about what it was like during the Corona Virus Pandemic

I wrote this letter to Kennedy, which for now I stuck in her baby book, so she will know what went on.

Dear Kennedy,

I’m writing this down for you because you are only four and 3/4th ( 😊 ) and won’t remember at least the beginning of all of this. But it is going to be a big part of your history. Just like 9-11 is a big part of mine.

The virus started in China and by February was in the United States. By mid-March all kinds of events were being cancelled or at least postponed: March Madness, NASCAR, Music concerts, weddings, a friend’s 100th birthday party, and even funerals! I had 2 cruise groups cancel because Canada closed its ports!

Your pre-school closed with 1 day’s notice and your mommy started working from home because she’s expecting Jackson and people didn’t want to chance her getting sick.

Within a week, non-essential businesses closed, restaurants and bars were closed (except for take outs), hair salons, nail salons, gyms etc. etc.

Amazon hired thousands because everyone started to buy online.  Grocery stores were hiring because they needed to restock and clean so often.

Terms like “social distancing” (meaning we were supposed to stay 6 feet apart) and “sheltering at home” (where we have to basically stay home for a month) became a thing. And we were told over and over and over again to wash our hands often! And not touch our face.

There’s a lot of fear out there and many people blame the media for fanning it. But for others it took a long time to take it seriously and the positive cases and deaths keep rising.

Some negative things have happened; toilette paper, bleach and wipes disappeared from the store shelves. People were hoarding. Nursing homes have shut down and people can’t visit their loved ones and make sure they are alright.

But MANY people began sewing masks to donate to hospitals and people who could use them. People started putting teddy bears in their windows so little kids could go on walks (or Bear Hunts) with their parents and get some exercise, teachers from closed schools have paraded through neighborhoods honking their car horns and yelling to the kids that they missed them. Schools kept their kitchen’s open to hand out free breakfasts and lunches to kids. Our church has made meals to hand out and keeps contact through ZOOM and Facebook Live.

People are sending food and donations to health care workers. The navy sent an aircraft carrier to be a hospital. Samaritan’s Purse set up tents manned by medical personnel in Central Park to be with the sick and dying at the end – promising dignity for the person and telling relatives that no one would die alone.

Families are breaking out puzzles and board games again.

Best of all people are praying. I’ve gotten emails from groups asking everyone to pray at 8 pm every night. There’s a movement called Unite 714 based on the Bible verse 2 Chronicles 7:14 “if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” And they are calling for the church to pray that God will eradicate the virus this Holy Week which includes both Easter and Passover.

Will we go back to simpler times when this is over? Will it ever really be over? I don’t know. My hope is it makes us better people. That instead of burying ourselves in our phones and computers we will now realize what it’s like when we can’t physically be with people. To hug and laugh and just hang out.

I love you, K!


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