Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Closer Then Ever

Well, the wedding is over. I prayed for good weather and got it! I also prayed that Brittany would think it was perfect and she said she did! So I’m happy!

I choose to be happy about it! Not worried that some of my friends might be prophetic.

After my last story where I talked about having over a year to create “the perfect wedding”, two friends called me to say, “Don’t worry about it being perfect. Worry about getting a shower! They each had so many things to do the day their kid got married they didn’t even get to take a shower!

And that almost happened to me! On Thursday, two days before the wedding and the day the bride and her groom were to arrive, John and I were doing yard work. He went inside for a moment to make a work call and noticed that our hot water heater had leaked all over the basement garage floor. The first plumber we called said they wouldn’t be able to get the kind of heater we needed for a replacement and even if they could find one they’d need two guys to put it in and that couldn’t happen before the wedding.

I tried not to think that I really wasn’t going to get a shower on the wedding day as John kept making phone calls. Finally he managed to find one with both the heater and the manpower who could come out Friday morning!

So it ended well, but it was close enough to make me worry about my friends’ other predictions. Each told me that after months of planning the wedding, the kids go off on their honeymoon and the mom goes into depression.

We had some really special moments the day of the wedding. Dan, in a little room by himself in hiding from the bride, called John, “Mr. John? Do you think you could come help me get my tux on?” And then John couldn’t leave him by himself after that. He felt the need to support his new son-in-law.

Then Brittany started crying as she walked down the aisle. (That didn’t surprise me. The surprise was that John wasn’t crying too!) But as she came up to me, standing and facing her with the rest of the guests, she walked straight into my arms for a hug and I whispered, “Don’t cry”. Just like when she was a little girl.

So I felt like we were closer then ever. But would she still call?

I had to wonder….Brittany had been engaged for 14 months. She has a 30 minute work commute and almost every single day during that time she would call me while she drove home and I started dinner and we’d talk about the wedding. (Along with hundreds of emails and other calls.)

I wondered the whole time we packed up the car with all the wedding decorations that night.

As we pulled into the garage at midnight, John’s cell phone rang. It was Brittany. She wanted to discuss the beautiful day with us. John and I smiled at each other, put the phone on speaker and settled back to enjoy.

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