Saturday, April 27, 2019

Easter Weekend with Kennedy

So many memories of our weekend with Kennedy this Easter make me smile: how she is ALWAYS so busy, how she loves to just run and run and run! How she gets over any kind of upset in a minute, the cute things she says, climbing into bed with me in the morning. Precious times!

Above is from the church Easter Egg Hunt

Easter Baskets

Easter Love!

Splash Pad at Wannamaker Park

Paddle boating at Wannamaker Park

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Monday, April 1, 2019

Kennedy's Short Spring Break

Kennedy's daycare was closed for two days last week for "spring break". So John and I drove down to watch her while Mommy and Daddy worked.

We kept her on the road both days!

 On the Battery - we had just finished looking for Mermaids

At an International Festival

Our favorite thing to do in Charleston - look at houses and gardens

Picnic break downtown

By the end of the day Kennedy was beat!

On Saturday we went to Brittany's Company's Picnic

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